Prevention & Public Awareness Resources

Blue Campaign

Faces of Human Trafficking Video Series and Posters
Downloadable posters provide the number to the National Human Trafficking Hotline and contain space for organizations to include their own contact information.

Know Your Rights
The U.S. Department of State created an informational pamphlet pursuant to section 202 of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Public Law 110-457. The downloadable material provides information on rights of workers entering the United States regardless of visa status.

Look Beneath the Surface

Not a #Number

The PROTECT Program

SB 1193 Model Notice
* Example notice provided by Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission, Fresno, CA.

The Young Worker Health and Safety Website
The Young Worker Health and Safety Website is a project of the California Partnership for Young Worker Health and Safety a (statewide task force that brings together government agencies and statewide organizations representing educators, employers, parents, job trainers and others) and has a goal to prevent California’s young workers from being injured or killed on the job. The site hosts downloadable materials for teens, teachers, employers, parents and caregivers regarding employment for young workers. The Partnership is funded by the State of California’s Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation and coordinated by the Labor Occupational Health Program, University of California, Berkeley. Click here to download the Partnership flyer.
*This is not a comprehensive list, please be aware that your local community may have existing awareness campaigns and CBO’s who educate in schools or in other settings to educate and raise awareness of both child sex and labor trafficking.