PACT Publications
Check out some original content developed by the PACT staff team and consultants!
"Child Trafficking Knows No Bounds" is a narrative written by anti-trafficking leader and advocate, Jess Torres with an accompanying interview moderated by Melissa Gomez, PACT Project Director. The article outlines Jess' personal experience as a childhood survivor of trafficking, describing the interwoven intersections of both sex and labor trafficking, offering promising guidance for current child serving professionals. It also includes quotes from Jimmy Lopez, who fled gangs from Honduras at 14 years, and then entered the US, and experienced forced labor and criminality in multiple settings, prior to receiving critical support. Jimmy is now an advocate and recognized leader in the anti-trafficking field.
CFPIC’s Youth Engagement Project (YEP) and the Preventing and Addressing Child Trafficking (PACT) involve youth and young adults with experience in the child welfare or juvenile justice system, including those who have experienced commercial exploitation. These programs provide platforms for lived exertertise to guide, influence and lead positive changes in the systems we serve. Engaging Voices, highlights the lessons we’ve learned through partnership and provides other agencies and individuals keys to enact positive organizational and system change!
This article, written by PACT Consultant Aja Houle shares about her personal experience as a young person recruited into sex trafficking during her time in Juvenile Hall. She provides practice guidance on how to best support teens experiencing CSE, by meeting them "where they are at," relationship building and supporting positive outcomes.
The Child Welfare Response to Labor Trafficking in California: A Ten-County Case Study on Integrating a Response to Child Labor Trafficking research brief is a resource for child welfare agencies, advocates, and policymakers who are working to strengthen support for victims of all forms of child trafficking. The brief highlights data, research and promising practices in establishing an integrated response to child labor and/or sex trafficking through research and lessons learned during implementation of the PACT 10-county pilot project.
The Child Labor Trafficking Mini-Desk Guide is a resource for child welfare workers, probation officers, and their multidisciplinary partners. It serves as an educational and awareness tool to increase basic understanding of child labor trafficking and the available resources to support those at risk of, or experiencing labor trafficking.